XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.




Andy Partridge, XTC: He’s so fab because he’s so ludicrously melodic and he’s not afraid to be soppy. It takes a lot of guts to do that.

My favourite song? It’s Getting Better is so fantastically optimistic, with this great convoluted construction, twisting around. And that bass playing –it’s actually just like his singing, piping and flute-like.
ポールの曲で好きなのはって?『It's Getting Better』、実に素晴らしく楽観的で、曲は最高に複雑に曲がりくねっている。ねじれまくってる構造なんだよね。そして、あのベースの演奏——彼の歌声と同様、パイプやフルートを思わせる。

And Hello/Goodbye, those opening chords reach in like a ray of sunshine. Again, it’s ferociously optimistic. You know you’re going to have a good experience. It’s not this fake seriousness you get now.

He’s never had a problem restricting himself to one thing – he can rock out, be avant-garde, do children’s music, pop for the teens… it’s preposterous that he’s seen as the second-best Beatle – I think the whole thing was an equally jewelled tug of love between them.

Although I do wonder why you never see McCartney and Angela Lansbury in the same room.