アンディが胸を張って言えるXTCの最高傑作とは?!“Easter Theater”
Chicago Tribune: What do you think is the best thing you ever wrote?
Partridge: Umm, I’d say that “Easter Theater” [from "Apple Venus Volume 1"] is a contender, just ‘cause it came out exactly how I would have wanted it to come out, and it does say springtime, and it does have a—ooh, can I be really immodest? I think it’s as good as a Beatles thing. Yeah, I’m not supposed to say [stuff] like that, am I?
Part of the drive for being in a band is to be better than your heroes, and I think “Easter Theater” is on a par—it may not be better, but it’s on a par.
アンディ:うーん。そうですね。「イースターシアター(Apple Venus Vol. 1)」が候補に挙がるでしょうね。これは、まったく望んでいた通りに出来たんです。