Jan 14 2014, 11:27 AM
I sit and strum/scribble most days.Usually and oddly after dinner in the evening,don't know why. I try to always play something different each time I pick it up. Come to think of it I'm picking up the guitar on and off all day.
I do get obsessions though. Lately i've been trying to learn VASHKAR by Tony Williams LIFETIME. I have all of the theme finally worked out,a tricky little mother,and I have some of the solo too. Been getting some old time jazz changes learned too.that's fun.
Nov 4 2013, 03:29 AM
I don't like influences when they are blatantly obvious or that people wear on their sleeve.
I LOVE how Andy does it, as points of departure.
Like "Knights In Shining Karma" being influenced by - yet absolutely not a cop of - the Beatles "Blackbird."
Or "Books Are Burning" resulting from messing with the chord progression to the Beach Boys "I Get Around."
I would have NEVER gotten that second influence except for Andy mentioning it. Probably not the first one, either. 例えば、Knights In Shining Karmaが受けている影響は --- ビートルズのBlack Birdだけど --- 絶対的にコピーではない。
または、Books Are Burningは、ビーチボーイズのI Get Aroundのコード進行を適当に弾いていてアイデアを得たものだし。
Jan 14 2014, 11:34 AM
It's surprising what little bits and pieces can be a spur to writing. A chord or two.A lick. Learning a new twist on things.
WISH came from sliding an open G up to the C position
You're the Wish You Are I Hadは、開放弦GをCまでスライドさせた結果出来た。
SMALLTOWN verse came from dicking around with Jean Genie
The Everyday Story of Smalltownの序奏部はJean Genie (David Bowie)を適当に弾いてたら出来た。
SEAGULLS came from being the only one who had a spare room to store the Mellotron in.
Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Herは、メロトロンを入れることの出来るスペースがあった唯一の曲だった。
BALLOON came from being asked to record with an Italian chap.I found a theme over his chords,only to change my mind about the recording.So I kept my theme,changed his chords under it to make my own song
Last Balloonは、イタリア人のアーチストとコラボしようと頼まれたところから出来た。彼が作ったコードにテーマを見つけたのだが、コラボをやることについて心変わりした。それで、そのテーマを取っておいて、彼のコードを変えて自分の歌を作った。
Mar 6 2014, 02:41 PM
I gather Wasp Star is not your favorite (and I don't think it's as good as the 4 albums before it), but don't you think it has some nice qualities that your other albums don't have? Grounded, straightforward, maybe not as ambitious, but earthy and clean at the same time, real...
I love Dave Gregory's guitar on the othe albums, but I think it was good to have an album without as many frills. I heard him say that he brought more of a rock feel to the band (which I understand w/r/t earlier albums), but your guitar on Wasp Star sounds like rock to me.
Mar 6 2014, 06:47 PM
No,the WASP is not my fave,but it's still a lot better than GO2.
Yeah,ironically Dave had left by the time we finished up the album. he did play on earlier recorded versions,but I thought the basic tracks were no that good,so I considered it best to start again. Ironically some of the things i'm playing are what Dave would have played as I couldn't think of better parts than his on these earlier versions.Specifically parts of MAYPOLE.
ええ、皮肉なことに、デイブはこのアルバムが仕上がった頃にはもう脱退していたんです。この初期の録音バージョンでは彼はギターを弾いてたんですが、基本となるトラックがあまり良くないと思っていたんです。なので、もう一度自分でギターを弾いてやり直しするのが最善だと考えたんですね。皮肉な事に、自分のギタープレイは、結局はデイブがプレイするようなプレイになってしまったんです。それは、この初期の録音バージョンでデイブがプレイしたパートより良いパートが思いつかないためだったんです。特に、The Wheel and the Maypoleのパートはそう。
All in all it's a pretty ROCK sort of album,and i'm warming to it as the years go on.
Jan 14 2014, 10:37 PM
Hi there Andy,
Was "Dear Madam Barnam" ever floated as a possibility for a single? Listening to the Nonsuch remaster, it's immediately noticeable as the catchiest, most hummable and accessible track and leaps out as an obvious lead-off single which would've sounded great on the radio (not that I'd have the faintest idea what radio programmers go for). Some great acoustic/electric guitar interplay too, redolent of English Settlement, which may've connected with fans of the earlier material who'd perhaps dropped off.
Dear Madam Barnamは、シングル曲として名前が挙がったことはないのでしょうか?ノンサッチのリマスターを聴いていると、この曲が最もキャッチーで、最も口ずさみやすく、親しみやすいトラックであるし、ラジオで掛けるのにぴったりの(ラジオプログラマーがどの曲を掛けるかこれっぽちも知っているわけではないですが)アルバム中最初にシングルカットされるべき曲のように耳に迫るんです。English Settlementをしのばせる素晴らしいアコースティック/エレクトリックギターのインタープレイがあって、初期の作品が好きだったがその後の作品でファンを辞めた人たちをも引き付けていたかも知れません。
With the benefit of hindsight, do you think it may have been a better choice than either "The Disappointed" or "...Pumpkinhead"?
後になってあらためて考えると、The Disappointedや ...Pumpkinheadのよりもこの曲の方がシングルとして選ぶべきだったのではないかと思いませんか?
Yesterday, 03:22 PM
No,BARNUM wasn't a single as nobody said "great,that's your single!".
いいえ、Dear Madam Marnamは、誰も「素晴らしい!これぞXTCのシングルだ!」と言ってくれなかったのでシングルにはなりませんでした。
As for what do radio want,I think the answer is coke,hookers,young boys,holidays,drink etc. Basically anything that big labels can bribe the producers of shows with so that there record gets on.
I've been listening to wasp star a lot lately. As far as i can tell, AP doesn't seem to think it's that great. I don't think it's their best, but it's damned good. Maybe not poignant like some of their other songs, and only one super-ecstatic song... but it has such a balanced, solid feel to it.
Yesterday, 03:16 PM
I agree Mike. Not our best,but still good. Only wish that we'd had SPIRAL and SAY IT ready for that album. Would have made it better.
同意するね。確かにXTCのベストアルバムとは言えないが、良いアルバムだ。ただひとつだけ惜しかったのは、このアルバムにSpiralとSay Itを収録する準備が出来ていなかったこと。(注:確かにこの2曲は名曲です。)