「アンディは人生の逆境に芸術の力で勝った!あいつのような作曲が出来る奴はこの世にいない」 - 元XTCギターマン・デイブ・グレゴリーのインタビュー
'Til Death Do Us Part - Mojo, Issue 55, March
Dave, comfortable with being out of XTC and looking forward to being an appreciated sideman somewhere soon, is unable to hide his admiration of Andy's gift: "It was a bit intimidating. As an artist he was so much better than I was. I might have had the edge on him as a guitar player in those early days, but not anymore. He had a wonderful spark of originality that nobody else had. He still has that. There's nobody writing the way that he does. Nobody at all."
What is it like working with Andy?
He's never played guitar to any rules. That's the way he does everything — and he always gets away with it! He can just throw his hands on the guitar and before you know it a complete song has materialized. It's quite uncanny, and most unfair. He's still very wary of doing gigs, but there's nothing he likes more than an audience. Get a few people in a room, and you soon find out who the center of attraction is. He's a natural entertainer. Maybe he's just shy, and there's some thing inside him that doubts how entertaining he really is. He's had a lot of bad luck with management and money and the rest of the lot. It's really a triumph of artistic skill over adversity. The thing that kept us going was that he kept writing songs. That's what it's all about: sheer song power
彼のルールを無視するというのは、その他、すべての事に共通して言える事なんですけど、それで、必ずうまく行っちゃうんですよ! ただ、手をギターに乗せれば、知らないうちに完全な曲が出来上がってしまうんです。それって、結構不気味だし、最高にずるいですよね。