ビートルズが嫌い?そんな奴とは:話しもしたくない。人間じゃないよ、何か別の生き物だ(笑)- アンディ・パートリッジ
XTC Sense Working Overtimeについて語る:
Yeah, I mean things like “Senses Working Overtime” was probably three or four songs stuck together. The initial bit was what we would call, you know the… (the intro of the song is played on the guitar). That. I was actually aiming to play the chord E. I wasn’t looking and I got on the wrong strings and with semi-tone down. “Oh, what’s that? That’s nice” and again, what’s the sound like?”, “Hey, that’s the medieval”! That’s kind of earthy, medieval, I could see the people wearing pipe hats with holes and trying to tilt the soil there. Now I swapped my fingers over. That’s the original shape. Then I just moved them. Now I didn’t know what the chords were. Don’t ask me. That’s not an interest. It’s not needed. You don’t need to know of know the guts of music to make music.
「Senses Working Overtime」はおそらく3、4曲くらいくっつけてひとつの歌にしたんです。最初のパートは(Sensesのイントロをギターを弾き出す)。
それで、「これは何を連想させる音だろう」って考えるんですよ。「あっ、“中世“だ!」 ここで言う“中世”っぽい音とは、土臭い古臭い音。(中略)
My first trip to States, at the irrigate…no, not irrigation, the immigration, and it was irrigational because I was dying for a piss [Laughs] but he was a real hard-nosed kind of fella. So I’ll get back to the second. He said “What do you do?” looking at my passport. I said “Well, I’m musician”. He said “You write music?” and I said “No, I don’t, actually”. He said “Well, you’re not musician” And I foolishly engaged with this. I said “Look, the Beatles did not write music” Then, he looked up saying “I hate those guys” [Laughs] Ok, anyone dislikes the Beatles, I’m just gonna shut up. Coz this fella is obviously sub-human. [Laughs] You know. Some of sort of para-being [Laughs]. I’d never met anyone who didn’t like the Beatles. So there was some sort of ....mentally wrong with this fella.
僕のパスポートを見下ろしながら「職業は?」、「ミュージシャンだ」と答えると、「 曲を書くのか?(楽譜を書くのか?)(注)」、「いや、実は書かない」と言ったら、「じゃあ、ミュージシャンじゃないだろ」って言われて。無視すればいいものを僕もバカだからつい言い返してしまったんです。
注:英語で言うと、write musicは曲を書くという意味と同時に楽譜を書くとも取れる。アンディもビートルズも楽譜は書けなかったので、自分もビートルズさえも「曲を書かない」と答えた。