XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.






AVC: XTC fans might be surprised by the jazz influence on your music.



AP: It's enormous. It's one of the two big forces pulling me inside out. I've got what you would call novelty music slash psychedelic noises music slash pop music with that stuff on top of it. And in the other corner is the more outside stuff of jazz, from bebop outward. Certainly not inward—trad jazz bores the shit out of me.






AVC: You've said you have an interest in musical theater, including an idea for a cross-dressing musical Western.




AP: [Laughs.] Yeah! It was called Helles Belles. It probably won't ever see the light of day—who the hell wants a cross-dressing musical Western? I already have a tagline for the poster: The Wild West, where men were men and so were the women!" I have the story outlined, but I never took it any further. I guess I got really lazy. But some part of me would love to see it come to fruition. I think the world is ready for a cross-dressing Western. It's the story of Billy Helle, the sheriff in a wretched town. I'm not going to tell you the whole story, because somebody will rip it off, but it's quite a journey of sexual discovery there. And it's all set to song, and there's a great gay mayor in it.











I'd really like to do an opera based on Cortez and Montezuma. I think somebody had a go in the late 1600s, but nobody has touched the story since. And it's such a fantastic story, that Cortez was seen by Montezuma as a god, and Montezuma was seen by Cortez as the passageway to power and riches. And the two men warily used each other. Very interesting relationship. I don't like opera. Therefore, I would want to write something better than the stuff that disgusts me. It's like country music. I don't really like country music, therefore I'd love to write some country songs just to beat out those crying-in-your-beer shit songs they keep mashing out. Actually, you watch the country-music awards that they show on the television over here, and you see country music has reached about 1985. It's all huge processed drum sounds and chiming chorus guitars and programmed synths bobbling along in the background.


















Popdose Interview誌の確か昨年のアンディ・パートリッジのインタビュー。XTCのファンからの質問への回答形式。


* Would you ever do a kids record?



I’d like to. There are several things I’ve got on my sort of mental list of things to do if I can get back to loving music, which I’m sort of a bit out of love with music at the moment. But I’d love to do a kids album. I’d like to do an opera, because I can’t stand opera, therefore I think I feel the need to defeat it, if you see what I mean. Just the noise of it… (Makes a high-pitched siren-like sound) …and all that sort of thing. Usually, 90% of operas have crap songs! It’s, like, you know, get rid of all of that singing, and is the song any good? No! It’s shit! There are very few operas with really good songs in them. And I would love to do an opera, and I know the subject I would do it about: Cortez and Montezuma. I’m also working on the idea of doing a cross-dressing Western musical. So lots of sort of silly irons in the fire, but I don’t know whether any of them will come to fruition.












