XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.


Andy Partridge of XTC on 'Autumn Almanac' BY Kinks





It's a miniature movie, basically, that unravels itself as you are listening to it, and it has all these little movements or scenes. And they all seem to take place in the kind of mythical cozy London that the Ealing studios always had in their films, like The Lavender Hill Mob. The song just keeps turning and changing; you see a new facet every few seconds. But there's nothing unsettling about the fact that there are so many parts. Normally that would just be the death of a song, it would just scramble peoples brains. 



The lyrics are very everyday. There's no "calling occupants of interplanetary craft" in it. All the language in it is what you'd say over a cup of tea. It's like a roller-coaster, but it's not a high-speed chromium-plated space-age roller-coaster - it's this slow creaking wooden baroque kind of roller-coaster. There are some lovely moments in it, like that sections that starts "Friday evening....." It starts off in this mournful minor thing, and you think, "Oh dear, Friday evening, the end of something," and then suddenly: "People get together" - it clicks into major, and becomes very optimistic. It just lifts your heart up another rung. And there's something very plain and uplifting about [from the chorus] "yes, yes, yes," this repetition of the affirmative.

歌詞は極めて日常的。♪惑星間航行船の乗員を呼び出す♪なんて出てこない。お茶を飲みながら話すような言葉が多い歌詞だが、実はジェットコースターみたいだ。それも宇宙時代のクロームメッキ高速ジェットコースターではなく、木製バロック調の緩やかなきしむジェットコースター。特に♪金曜日の夜...... ♪で始まる部分はジェットコースターの素敵な瞬間だ。哀愁を帯びたマイナーで始まり、「やれやれ、金曜日の夕方、何かが終わったのかな」などと思ってると、すぐその後♪人々は集う♪で突然メジャーに変化する。とても楽観的になり、心が一段高められる。そして、♪イエス、イエス、イエス♪という肯定的な言葉の繰り返しに、何かとても素朴で高揚した気持ちになる。


The woodiness of "Autumn Almanac" is really appealing. Everything sounds like sticks and branches and planks. The whole song is wallpapered in dead leaves, as far as I'm concerned. The [the Kinks] touched on this same sort of thing later on, in "Shangri-La" and "Lavender Hill," but it was more mannered, a bit more ponderous.

Autumn Almanac に感じる木質感が実に魅力的。すべてが木の棒や枝や板のように聞こえる。曲全体が枯葉の壁紙で覆われているようだ。キンクスはこの曲の後、Shangri-LaとLavender Hillで同じようなことを試みるが、ちょっとまとまり過ぎてるし、ちょっと重苦し過ぎる感じ。


Damn, I wish I'd written this song. I'll probably spend my life trying to. It's such a huge ghost; my entire songwriting career has been trying to exorcise it.
