XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.




Andy discusses 'Peter Pumpkinhead'






AP: (中略)the lyrics are not about a rotting jack-o-lantern. Actually, it was probably the best jack-o-lantern I'd ever made. I just could not bear to throw it away. So I just stuck it on the fencepost, and every day when I'd head down the garden path to the studio, it'd be, "How's old Jack looking today? Oh, boy, he's really caving in."

アンディ「あの歌は、ジャックオランタンの腐ったかぼちゃの話ではありませんよ。実は、あのジャックオランタンはおそらく今まで作った中で最も上出来のやつだったんです。それでどうしても捨てるに忍びないものだからフェンスのポストの上に突き刺しておいた。それで、毎日(裏庭の物置小屋)スタジオへの小道を歩く度に "今日のジャックはどうだ?おお、本当にぺしゃんこになってきたなあ”って見てた」



Yeah, so I'd see the rotting head, and I started to think, "What did he do to deserve to be executed -- to be put on a spike on Traitor's Gate here? He did nothing wrong. He was kind of perfect." And then I thought, "Hmmm, what would happen if there was somebody on Earth who was kind of perfect?" I just started to extrapolate on that idea, and really mess around with it in a kind of Dylanesque way. I thought, "Why don't I come up with 'The Ballad of' -- the ballad of somebody who's pretty much perfect?" And the more I thought about it, the more I thought, "god, they'd make so many enemies!" You know, if they really encouraged humanity and humaneness and love and sharing and giving, they would really piss off so many people in power, that those people in power would do everything they could to stop them, including killing them!


アンディ「そう、それで腐ったかぼちゃの頭を見て思い始めたんです。"こいつは一体どんな死刑になるような事をしたんだろ?'裏切り者の門’の杭の上に見世物にされて。何も悪い事をしていないだろ。どちらかというと完璧な奴だったのに。" そこで、ふと思ったんです。"うーん、そうか。この世にそういう'完璧’らしき人間が存在した場合普通何が起きる?" それであれこれ推測し始めて、歌詞をちょっとボブディラン流に考えてみたんです。"そうだ、'~のバラード'という歌詞にしたら良いのでは?ほぼ'完璧'に近い人物のバラードってのは?" そういう人物を考えれば考えるほど"うわー、こういう奴ってものすごく多くの敵を作るんだな!" と思えてきて。そういう人物達が人々に人間性を持ち、人間らしさを示し、愛し合い、与え合い、分かち合う事を本当に説くならば、たちまち多くの権力を持つ連中達はマジ切れし手段も選ばず止めさせようとするでしょう。殺そうとさえするかもしれない!」


TB: We were talking recently about "Dear God," and the people who were so violent in their response to it -- you know that if Jesus came back today, they'd be the first in line looking to string him up. He'd be some hippy radical today that they'd get rid of as soon as they could.

インタビュア「先日のインタビューの"Dear God"でも、あの歌に対する人々(アメリカのキリスト教信者達)の反応が酷く暴力的だったと話し合ったわけですが、イエス·キリストが今の時代に蘇ってたら彼を真っ先に絞首台につるし上げるのはああいう人たちなんだと思います。キリストが今存在したらただのラジカルなヒッピーとしか見られないから、ああいう人たちにあっという間に抹殺されますよね」


AP: Well, certainly if Jesus came back, he'd be really upset with what they did with his teachings. One reason he'd be really pissed off is because Christianity was a Jewish cult. Then it got this almost anti-Jewish thing to it over the years. He'd come back and say, "No, I'm a Jew, and so are all my followers!"



But I started to think about somebody who could be potentially perfect, and how he would upset people. There is the Jesus thing in there -- you know, his teachings obviously upset the status quo of the Jews and Roman occupiers at the time, and they colluded to have him bumped off. "We'd better shut him up," you know. And it's the same with Peter Pumpkinhead. World governments are saying, "He's preaching that we should share the wealth, that we should not be homophobic and everything -- we'd better bump him off." And so they do. They execute this character. It's just a little fable saying, there's no way you can get away with being perfect.

アンディ「考えたのは、'完璧’に為り得る誰か、その誰かがどのように人々を怒らせるだろうかと。この歌の歌詞にはキリストの話も入っています - 彼の教えは明らかに当時のユダヤ人とローマ占領者たちの現状維持を志向する勢力を憤慨させたんですね。それで、キリストを殺害しようとみんなで共謀した。"あいつを黙らせろ!"ってわけ。ピーターパンプキンヘッドも同じ。世界政府が話している。"あいつは人類は富を分かち合うべきだ、同性愛者への偏見を捨てろ、あーだこーだと説いているぞ、殺してしまえ” それで殺しちゃう。この人物を死刑にする。たとえ話の教訓で、完璧な人間を罪に問わないわけにはいかない、って事」


TB: Let's talk about the music. It's the album starter.



AP: [emphatically] Aren't they the best-recorded tom-toms that you've heard?



TB: It's a beautiful big sound! I've always loved it. Just from the very beginning of plugging the guitar into the amp, you're putting the listener on notice. I thought it was an interesting transition from Oranges and Lemons, which was a very studio-based, bright, in-your-face style of production, where this seemed to be much more of a return to your -- cliche to say it, but your rock-and-roll roots.



AP: That was kind of our intent. And you've got me playing the harmonica, too, which let me get my little Jagger fetish out. [laughs] I'll tell you, although I played the main rhythm guitar in the song, it's actually Dave doing the plugging in. Because that plugging in didn't exist, and I thought, "Wow, this song would be great to open the album with, and what would be a great way of opening it is plugging in your electric guitar to get going, to kick off!" And although we already had the playing, because we'd done the track, we didn't have the plugging in.

アンディ「ちょっとそれを意図しました。それで、ハーモニカまで吹いちゃってミックジャガー(ハーモニカ)フェチをマネしてみた[笑] 実は、この曲のメインリズムギターは僕ですけど、実際にプラグを差し込んでいるのはデイブなんです。あのプラグインは元々なかったんですよ。後で思って“うわあ、この曲をアルバムオープニングに使ったら素晴らしいだろうなあ。その上、この曲自体のオープニングをエレキギタープラグインから始めるのは凄い良いだろうなあ。'押っ始めよう'って感じで!" もうとっくに演奏の部分は出来上がっていたんですけど、トラックはもう録音されていたから。でも、プラグを差し込む部分はやっていなかったんです」


So I sent Dave in, and said, "Just crank your amp up, and we'll tape you plugging your guitar in." And god, we must have done about 20 or 30 takes of him just plugging in! Because it was, like, too buzzy, not buzzy enough, too clean and you didn't hear it click in to the guitar, or he'd drop it, or whatever. All that fuss just to get something that was almost supposed to be a little piece of verite -- "This is going to be an electric song, because here he is, plugging his guitar in."



But in the video that was done, Dave has to play the rhythm guitar, to look convincing in the video. But it's me playing the main rhythm guitar on the record, while Dave is doing his trademark arpeggio runs and things -- and playing the Hammond organ rather beautifully, as a matter of fact.





XTC - The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead

(歌詞和訳 by Miko)
































