XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.




May 11, 2008

Andy discusses ’Rook’




AP: 中略)there was a three-month gap where I didn't write anything.(中略) I was getting really worried, because it was three months, and I was rather concerned that I couldn't find anything.

当時、全く作曲をしていなかった時が3ヶ月もあったんです(中略) 歌が浮かばなかったんです― インスピレーションの完全なる枯渇だったんですよ。すごく心配になってね。だって、3か月間ですよ。歌のアイデアが全く湧いてこないので不安に駆られていました。


TB: Was the album scheduled and looming on the horizon?



AP: Well, people were saying, "When are you going to go in? When are you going to be doing this album?" And I seemed to have ground to a halt in the songwriting. I wondered, "Whoa! Have I written my last song?"



It wasn't like today, where I'm writing lots and lots of little bits, but I'm just in a funny state of mind where I don't want to finish any of them off. It's about 350 at the last count.



But back then, I was in the state of mind where I was desperate to write songs, but couldn't. Then, one day, I found this chord change on the guitar -- I don't know where it came from -- and I thought, "Oh, that's really nice. That almost sounds like a piano. Hey, let me work out what the notes would be on the piano!"

 それに比べ当時は、とにかく曲を書こうとしてもう血相変えてるのに何にも書けないわけ。それが、ふとある日、このギターのコード変更を見つけたんです― どこからやってきたのかは謎 ― それで“おっと!これは良いな。なんだかピアノのように聴こえる。よし、ピアノではこれらの音符が何なのか探してみよう!”と思い立ったんです。


TB: I didn't realize it had started on guitar.



AP: It started there, yeah. I started to -- I don't know where the words came from, but I started to sing "Rook." And I was in floods of tears! In fact, I got really quite moist under the peepers when I was listening to it on headphones today -- sort of tapping into that emotion again, you know?

AP:そうなんですよ、ギターで始まったんです。歌い始めたんです - その歌詞はどこから来たのかはわからないけど、とにかく"Rook"を歌い始めた。もう、涙ボロボロ!今日実はヘッドフォンで聴いているうちにまた涙が止まらなくなってね--あの時の気持ちに浸るようでした。


TB: Well, I think you're not the only one. It's one of the reasons people respond so well to this song. The emotion really comes through.



AP: But for me, it was also that this broke this dam -- where I had thought, "Oh, well, I've written my last song, then. That's it. This is what happens -- you just run out of songs." And then, after three months, out fell "Rook." And not only did it fall out unexpectedly, like rain from heaven when you're in the desert, but it also scared the living daylights out of me! There's something about the chords and the melody -- that rather doomy Folk-song melody, over these bell-like, summoning chords. It really gives me the shivers now, even talking about it.



And it did at the time. I remember thinking, "Where did this come from?" It was like I hadn't thought of it. It was like I'd been delivered it by some suggestion of a genie or an angel watching me. I don't believe in all that shit, but it kind of felt like that.



TB: There are lots of musicians who've talked about how sometimes it seems as if you tap into a great channel where Music is. You become the means of conveying it, rather than the creator.



AP: Yeah, you're just digging away, and you go through the last few inches of soil, and suddenly, bwooof!, you're covered in the most sparkling, clear water. And you think, "Wow, was that there all the time?" I don't feel like I wrote this. I'm not saying that I stole it, but I'm saying that it feels as if it was written for me, and dictated quietly into my ear or something.




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