XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.

「英国メディア連中、また俺たち田舎モンXTCをロックの歴史から抹殺する気だな!ポール·ウェラーは実は俺に影響を受けたんだぞ!」XTC - アンディ・パートリッジのインタビュー

XTC - アンディ・パートリッジのインタビュー





Apr 25, 2010


Actually, I've got to tell you, I got very annoyed the other day, I was reading through one of the glossy magazines -- it was Mojo, I think -- there was an article about Paul Weller, who can seem to do no wrong in the eyes of the British public. There was a photograph of Gang of Four, with a caption under

that said, "Gang of Four, the band that influenced Paul Weller to make The Jam album Sound Affects." And I thought to myself, "Ooh, you bastards! You're rewriting history again, and as usual you're writing us out of it." Because a big inspiration for Paul Weller was the Take Away album.




高級ロック雑誌を読んでいて、それはMojoだったと思う - ポール·ウェラーの記事があったんです。彼は、英国国民にとって完璧で、みなから愛されている国民的ロックスターなんですね。








The Jam were working in one of the studios at The Town House, we were in the other one, and I was out, sitting on the steps, taking a break out at the front of the studio, and he came out and sat next to me, and joined me. He said,

"Oh, I really love that Dub record you've done! I really want The Jam to go in that direction -- I really want to do stuff like that. How did you do that?" So we sat talking on the steps for about 20 minutes, and lo and behold, Sound Affects comes out, and it's got lots of Dub-by techniques on it. I felt rather

miffed that, suddenly, the supposed "cool" band Gang of Four were credited with that, and the supposed uncool band of yokel bastards from Swindon would be

written out of history again.




あるとき、自分は外へ出てスタジオの前の階段に座って休憩をとっていたんです。すると、ポール・ウェラーが出てきて隣に座って一緒に休憩を取ったわけです。彼は "君のやったダブレコードすごい好きなんだ!あの方向にバンドを進ませたいね。- ああいう事本当にやってみたい。どうやってやったんだい?"と言ってきたんですよ。



