(Dave Gregory本人からのコメントもあり。)
XTCの本、Chalkhills And Childrenにも登場する方です。彼が、最近自主出版しているXTCフォトブックは100冊限定販売中です。限定販売で売れ切れたら終わり。二度とこの形式では出さない。来日時の激レア写真を含む未発表写真が100枚以上、100部限定!
Thanks Steve!
Miko: Hi Steve. I’m Miko from USA. Thank you for talking to me today. You can speak some Japanese, right? Would you prefer doing this interview in Japanese?
Steve: No, I can only speak a very few words of Japanese [laughing]
Miko: Ok, maybe next time[laughing]
Miko: So what I want to know first is that what have triggered you to share all this precious photos of XTC. Just how many photos do you have in your possession?
このような貴重なXTCの写真の数々をみんなにも共有したいと思ったのは何故ですか? 一体、何枚くらいXTCの写真を持っていらっしゃるんですか?
Steve: I have thought many times about a book of pictures of XTC. As you may know I have a large collection of pictures and live unreleased recordings from the mixing desk. I felt now the time was right to share these unique pictures with the true fans. I have around a thousand images.
Miko: Wow. That’s a lot. I know that you have sang on a few XTC/The Colonel tunes, such as Roads Girdles The Globe, Wait Til Your Boat Goes Down, Take This Town, I Need Protection, Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen, etc How did you like the experience? Can you recall any funniest moments or incidents that blew your mind from these recording sessions?
Steveさんは、XTC/The Colonelのいくつかのトラックで歌で参加されていますよね。Roads Girdles The Globe, Wait Til Your Boat Goes Down, Take This Town, I Need Protection, Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen等。どんな感じでした? ...
Steve: I am not a good singer [laughing] but it was exciting to be asked to join in the recordings as a backing singer. During the recording of White Music at The Manor studios, I used to play table tennis between takes, with Steve Lillywhite, the producer of the Album. During the recording of “Rocket From A Bottle” I heard the guitar solo through the studio speakers, and I was so amazed at such a great song.
歌は上手くないんですが(笑)、バッキングコーラスとしてレコーディングに参加しないかと聞かれた時は興奮しましたね。The ManorスタジオでのBlack Seaのレコーディングの時、プロデューサーのSteveリリーホワイトとアルバムのテイク間に良く卓球で遊んだものです。Rocket From A Bottleの録音で、スタジオのスピーカーからギターソロが聴こえてきた時は、なんてスゴイ曲なんだろうと驚愕しました。
Miko: What are your most favorite XTC albums and songs?
Steve: There are too many to pick my most favourite.
No Language In Our Lungs from Black Sea was always a great song live. On Nonsuch, I really enjoy The Disappointed and Books Are Burning, The first time I heard the Green Man from Apple Venus 1 I was amazed. Stupidly Happy from Apple Venus 2, such a simple but great song. Beating of Hearts from Mummer is so melodic.
I have to say English Settlement if my favourite album of all. But I could also pick the songs Scissor Man and Complicated Game as they were such great songs played live. I loved adding special effects from the mixing desk to these songs.
Black SeaのNo Language In Our Lungsをライブでやった時はいつも最高でしたね。Nonsuchでは、The DisappointedとBooks Are Burningを聴くのが大好きです。Apple Venus 1のGreen Manを初めて聴いた時はその素晴らしさに驚いたものです。Apple Venus 2のStupidly Happy はシンプルだけど素晴らしい曲です。MummerからのBeating of Heartsは非常にメロディックですよね。
あえて、最も好きなアルバムと言ったらEnglish Settlementになりますね。でも、Scissor ManとComplicated Gameも良いね。ライブでは凄い最高の曲でした。これらの曲にミキシングデスクから特殊なエフェクトを加えるのが大好きでした。
Miko: How did you enjoy the company of XTC during traveling/touring around the world? Any wild parties, etc? I heard that there was quite a bit of hot [laughing] episodes with some untamed groupies
XTCと一緒に世界をツアーして楽しかったですか? ワイルドパーティとか? とんでもないグルーピーとのアツい(笑)エピソードがあったと聞いていますが。
Steve: XTC were always joking between each other so we had many laughs For the first few years touring was always an adventure. Discovering new places, new fans and new countries. But later, as the tours followed one after another, it sometimes was very tiring for the band. I would not like to elaborate on the untamed groupies. There were individual liaisons but it would be wrong of me to say who did what…. [laughing]
Miko: Sure, some things are better left unspoken. You have travelled to Japan with XTC for their first….and unfortunately last….Japan tour How did you like the culture and people there? Did you get to meet any XTC fans? Did XTC enjoy the stay?
Steve: Japan was such an eye opener for me. Such an amazing country. The gig in Tokyo was very exciting and I think the fans really liked the performance. There were so many fans booked into the hotel in Tokyo and we could not believe when we came down for breakfast, how excited they were to greet us.
I really was excited to travel on the Bullet train, as my father worked on the railway in England. Kyoto was particularly beautiful and the visit to the Heian Jingu Shrine with Colin and Terry was very special to me. I cannot say enough about how amazing the Japan visit was. I hope to be visiting Japan again next year.
Miko: How many guitars did you bring with you to XTC’s Japan tour?
Steve: We used to carry 5 guitars I believe.
We started small with PAm 3 microphones and 1 amp, but finished with a full rig. 32 channel desk and a 20000 watt full PA and lighting rig carried in a 40 foot articulated truck.
初期は、PAはマイク3本とアンプ1個という質素な形でやっていたのですが、最後のツアーの頃にはライブ機材はフル装備になっていました。 32チャンネルデスクに2万ワットの本格的なPAシステム、舞台照明機材を40フィートのセミトレーラートラックで運んでいました。
後日、SteveがDave Gregoryに直接どのようなギターを当時使用していたのかを聞いてくれました。下記はDave本人からの返事です。
“During the touring years I switched between a Fender Stratocaster, Gibson SG Standard and Gibson ES-335, later a Telecaster and a Gibson Les Paul Custom. For the final ''Settlement'' tour I added a Rickenbacker 12-string.
ツアー時代は、僕自身はフェンダーストラトキャスター、ギブソンSGスタンダード、ギブソンES-335をとっかえひっかえ使っていました。その後、テレキャスターとギブソンレスポールカスタムを使ってました。最後のツアーとなったEnglish Settlement'ツアーではリッケンバッカー12弦を追加しました。
When I joined the band Andy was using his Ibanez Artist and a Gibson Les Paul Standard. He traded the Standard for a Custom, then traded that for a new Gibson ''The Paul'' in 1980, which was nicked in New Zealand. He also used an Ovation electro-acoustic on the final tour. Cheers, DG :~"
XTCに加入した当時は、アンディは愛用ギターIbanezアーティストとギブソンレスポールスタンダードを使用してましたね。その後、スタンダードをカスタムと交換し、それも1980年にはスタンダードを新品のギブソン”The Paul“と交換したのですが、ニュージーランドで盗まれてしまったんですよ。あの最後のツアーではオベーションのエレクトロアコースティックギターを使用していました。じゃあね。デイブグレゴリー:〜"
Miko: What kind of troubles did you have to deal with as one of loadies for XTC?
Steve: We had many problems.
Equipment smashed in a lorry, theft of guitars and usually we did not have enough people to help load the equipment into the venues.
That was so different in Tokyo. The crew there was amazing. Well drilled in rigging the stage and when the show had finished, i have never seen a stage and PA system cleared so fast[laughing]!!
The Japanese crew worked like demons[laughing].
Miko: As a sound engineer, what was the moment that made you feel like you have achieved something?
Steve: As an engineer it was always nice when you get praised for the sound mix. It was always fun mixing XTC. Especially songs like Scissor Man and Complicated game where I was able to put my touch on the echo etc...
それは、自分がやったサウンドミックスを褒められるのはいつでも気分良いものですね。XTCの音源をミックスするのは毎回楽しかったです。特に、エコーなどにちょっとした効果を追加出来たScissor ManやComplicated Gameみたいな曲のミックスは楽しかった...
Miko: Which "very small part" did you take in XTC video Are You Receiving Me?
Are You Receiving Meのビデオでちょい役で出ていらっしゃるそうですが、どれですか?
Steve: If you check this video on You Tube, the original video of 2 minutes 57 in length. And if you look quickly at time of 1.03 and again at 1.09 I am wearing a mask, and I tie up the lady and then answer the telephone. A small but nice part[laughing].
Miko: You hang out with Andy when you were young What kind of kid was he?
Steve: Growing up in the same street as Andy there was always an adventure. He was such an amazing artist and he was always drawing. I have some original artwork which he sketched of album covers, and also a drawing from his imagination, of the band stage outfit he wished to perform in one day.
These are very precious to me. He also loved toy soldiers and we were always playing games in his garden. I used to be invited to go on holiday with him and his family which was always a great treat. Andy’s father was a drummer and quite often Andy would accompany him on guitar at shows.
Miko: What in your opinion separates XTC from the rest of the bands in the UK? What is their most unique talent or strength?
Steve: XTC became popular at the high point of “Punk music” in England. But they were very “different” from the other bands around musically. They were not copies of other bands but unique.
The constant touring made a very tight live show and the band gained more fans each tour. It was hard for the music press to put XTC into one category, so this became their strength. If you add the quirky songs to this great live show, this kept them separate from other bands.
Miko: What impressed you the most about XTC's sound during your work as their sound engineer?
Steve: It was such a great feeling to be asked to go on tour with XTC.
They had such raw energy live and very solid. Colin and Terry provided a really great rhythm section which Barry, Andy and then Dave, were able to embellish, with such nice solos on top of this tight sound.
Miko: What prevented XTC's musical career from exploding into mega international stardom like other UK bands such as The Police, etc?
何故、XTCは、The Policeなどの他のUKバンドが世界的メガスターダムを掌中に納める事が出来なかったのでしょう?
Steve: I think this is because the XTC were sometimes in the wrong country touring, such as the ‘79 tour of Australia, when the singles were released in England. Although the tour of Australia was good for XTC, they were not in England at the time, when they should have been promoting single releases on TV shows etc..
Maybe they may not have been managed as well as the Police were. There was not a complete strategy to promote the band into the International stardom they deserved. If anyone saw XTC live at this time, they would have seen the very innovative use of film projection to compliment the stage shows.
多分、XTCはThe Policeみたいにマネージメントがきちんと管理していなかったのでしょうね。彼らの才能に値する国際的なスターダムに推し進めるための完全な戦略など全くありませんでしたからね。もし、今、XTCのライブを観れるとしたら、きっと彼らはステージのショーをさらに惹きたてるようなフィルム映写の非常に革新的な使い方をしていたでしょうね。
Miko: Have you ever imagined that Helium Kidz from Swindon town would eventually become a chart topping mainstream band one day?
スウィンドン出身Hekium Kidzが、いずれいつかはヒットチャートに乗るようなメジャーなバンドになることを想像されましたか?
Steve: Andy always had the drive become a better musician. Each of the bands he played in was a progression for him musically. The Helium Kidz may have stayed as a popular local band, but by adding new band members, and changing the name to XTC, was the breakthrough. And then the band was invited to record a session for the John Peel show, which gave a large radio audience their first experience of the great XTC music.
Andyは常にもっと良いミュージシャンになろうという意欲がありましたね。バンドを移るたびに音楽的に向上していったんです。Helium Kidzは、地元の人気バンドとしても残ったかも知れないが、新メンバーを追加し、XTCという名前に変更したことで壁を破る事が出来た。その後、バンドはジョン•ピールのラジオ番組用のレコーディングセッションに招かれて、メジャーなラジオ局のリスナーが初めて素晴らしいXTCの音楽に触れる事が出来たんです。
Miko: Who is your favorite photographer?
Steve: That is an easy question for me to answer[laughing]. I have always loved the rock photographs of Jill Furmanovsky. She would be number one in my opinion. Look for her great pictures of Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Mike Oldfield, The Ramones, Bob Marley, Eric Clapton, Blondie, The Police, The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Pretenders and Oasis. Also I would add a mention of Pennie Smith, for her great black and white pictures.
それは簡単(笑)。ずっと、Jill Furmanovskyのロックミュージシャンの写真が大好きでした。彼女がNo.1ですね。彼女が撮ったボブ•ディラン、レッド•ツェッペリン、ピンク•フロイド、マイク•オールドフィールド、ラモーンズ、ボブ•マーリー、エリック•クラプトン、ブロンディ、ポリス、クラッシュ、セックス•ピストルズ、プリテンダーズ、オアシスの素晴らしい写真を見てみて。あとは、Pennie Smithも。モノクロの写真が素晴らしい。
Miko: During the tours from to , which gig do you still remember as the finest gig XTC had ever played?
Steve: Wow that is hard to pick one as the finest gig!
I will mention a few. The Kant Kino Berlin was exciting, and then Cloudlands Ballroom in Australia. But for me, as the playing was so good and a great sound, I would have to say the gigs in Calgary or Vancouver during March 1980 were the finest. XTC had been presented with gold discs on this tour. I have these gigs recorded from the mixing desk along with many more…
いくつか挙げます。カントキノベルリンはエキサイティングでした。後は、オーストラリアのクラウドランズボールルーム。演奏も非常に良くて、サウンドも素晴らしかったのは、1980年3月のカルガリーやバンクーバーでのライブと言わざるを得ないですね。 XTCはこのツアー中にゴールドディスクを受賞しています。これらのライブは他にもたくさんあるライブテープと同様、ミキシング•デスクで録音されて僕の手元にあります...
Miko: Has Andy changed during the journey from a local buddy that you used to know to someone who is a widely respected songwriting smith, regarded as a musical genius by so many critics and other musicians?
Steve: This was always going to happen one day. It is strange that I used to be a DJ with my own mobile equipment, and Andy used to help carry my gear into the venues. I could not imagine the roles would be reversed later, and I would be carrying his gear as a roadie/engineer for XTC.
Once I had left touring with the band, we followed our own paths, Andy as a musician and me getting a normal job analysing spreadsheets. I have always followed his career, but his time is always at a premium, so we could not be the same buddies now. When we meet, there is still a feeling of friendship between us, but it would not be the same as it was all of those years ago.
Miko: Were there a lot of competition between Colin and Andy in terms of who is a better songwriter?
Steve: Colin and Andy had much different musical influences. I think there was an understanding of each other’s writing abilities. But both were just 2 members of a 4 man group. Although they wrote the great songs we all love, the music would not be complete, without the contributions to the songs from Barry, Terry and Dave. They provided the embellishments to Colin and Andy’s compositions.
Miko: What did you think about Dave replacing Barry? Did he fit in right away?
Steve: Dave fitted in with XTC perfectly and was a joy to work with.He did many parts that were once played by Barry, too many to list individually. His instrumentation was fantastic and he did a lot of the arrangement of the band in future albums.
Miko: How did you come to notice that Andy was possibly suffering from an anxiety attack? Was it something you sort of anticipated to happen as you observed first-hand how he dealt with all the aspects of touring business?
Steve: XTC toured constantly. The show was always exciting and Andy would find it difficult to relax and get to sleep after a show, as he would still be full of adrenalin from the performance. On top of this, the hectic tour schedules meant early morning calls to travel to the next gig then late nights. Something was bound to give in the end. There was never enough time for him to unwind
Miko: Now my last question for you….so are you still in contact with any of the members?
Steve: Well, I sometimes chat to Dave via Facebook, and go to see him play live with Tin Spirits. I have a few live video and audio tapes of Tin Spirits. I rarely see Colin, but the brother of my brother in law, drinks in the same pub in his village so sees Colin quite often. I met Andy last year at his home and took him for a meal at his favourite tapas bar. We had a good discussion of how my collection of XTC archives could maybe released somehow in the future??
Daveとは、たまにFacebookで話したり、Tin Spiritsのライブを見に行ったりしています。彼らのライブを録った動画や音源を持っています。Colinにはめったに会いませんが、僕の義理の兄のお兄さんがColinが済む村のパブに飲みに行くので、そこでColinを良く見かけるようです。去年、Andyの家に会いに行き、彼の好きなタパスバーでの食事に連れ出しましたよ。僕のXTCアーカイブのコレクションをどうやって将来リリース出来るかじっくり話し合いました。