XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.

デヴィッド·バーンの切実なる訴え: インターネットが地球上のすべてのクリエイティブコンテンツを搾取し尽くす「音楽ファンは音楽に救われたと言う。未来の世代も音楽が利用出来るようアーチストに何らかのインセンティブがなければならない」



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David Byrne: 'The internet will suck all creative content out of the world'






“The amounts these services pay per stream is miniscule – their idea being that if enough people use the service those tiny grains of sand will pile up.”

「これらのストリーミングミュージックサービスが、一回のストリームに対し、アーチストへ支払う使用料は非常に小さい - 大勢の人々がサービスを使用すれば、砂の粒も山となるという考えである。」


“In future, if artists have to rely almost exclusively on the income from these services, they'll be out of work within a year



“The major labels are happy, the consumer is happy and the CEOs of the web services are happy. All good, except no one is left to speak for those who actually make the stuff”



“What's at stake is not so much the survival of artists like me, but that of emerging artists and those who have only a few records under their belts (such as St Vincent, my current touring partner, who is not exactly an unknown). Many musicians like her, who seem to be well established, well known and very talented, will eventually have to find employment elsewhere or change what they do to make more money. ”



“Without new artists coming up, our future as a musical culture looks grim. A culture of blockbusters is sad, and ultimately it's bad for business. That's not the world that inspired me when I was younger."



“Many a fan (myself included) has said that "music saved my life", so there must be some incentive to keep that lifesaver available for future generations.”

「多くの音楽ファンは(私自身も含め) "音楽が自分を救った"と言う。だからこそ、これからの世代のために、そのライフセーバー(命の恩人)である音楽が利用出来るよう保ち続けるためにも、アーチストに対して何らかのインセンティブがなければならない。」