ライブのオファーは百万ポンド(1億数千万円)に近い!XTC アンディ・パートリッジ
Issue # 14, April 2004
by Peter Paphides
XTC アンディ・パートリッジ
自宅インタビュー 2
XTC アンディ・パートリッジ
“Come in, come in”, he says, striding back down the hallway. Possibly because you don't expect successful musicians to live in Edwardian two-up two-downs, Partridge assumes Gulliver-like proportions in his lean-to kitchen. “Tea?” he asks. He boils his water with a kettle that whistles, uses Provamel soya milk in his tea and seems surprised when you ask for sugar.
With every passing year, the incentives to return to the stage get a little greater. “The last one”, he says, “ was in the region of a million”. But there's only one stage that Partridge is willing to mount. At the bottom of the garden, his shed plays host to banks of recording equipment, an electric guitar and a computer. What can you do in a space as small as this? Well, quite a lot actually. It was here that Partridge recorded 1999's Apple Venus — the magnificent album that completed XTC's turbulent journey back from the cover of Smash Hits and pan-European pop to practitioners of baroque pastoral psychedelia.
こんな狭いスペースで一体何ができるのか? いや、実は、かなりのことが出来るのだ。
Card swiped, we commence the five minute walk back to Partridge's house. On the way back, he exchanges greetings with Tony, the Old Town barber — although it's been some years since he had cause to go there. “I can just run the clippers over my head and achieve the same effect”. Once again, the ghosts of Partridge past sing in the distance: “Chalkhills and children / Anchor my feet”. Does he ever think he'll leave here? Or is this it now?
ここで再び、彼の過去の亡霊の歌声が、遠い彼方から聞こえてくる----「チョークヒルと子供たちが僕を現実に戻してくれる("Chalkhills And Children"から)」
パートリッジは、いつか、ここ(Swindon 市)を去るのだろうか?それとも、このままでいいのだろうか?
He talks about how Erica would love to move to Bath — an idea that he's not averse to. “I've sworn to her that we will move. She finds it really depressing here, but I like this house. There's a great vibe in it. If I ever moved, I've got a good idea of the house where I'd like to live”.
彼は、エリカ(一緒に住んでいるパートナーで”Another Satellite"で歌われている女性)が、いかにバス市に引っ越すことを望んでいるかについて説明をした。(注:2013年、現在、エリカはアンディをスウィンドンに残し、一人でバス市に引っ越しした。)そこに引っ越すのは、彼自身もそんなに嫌ではない。
He unlocks the front door, and walks into the kitchen where he keeps a book of sketches and notes. “Here — let me show it to you”. Partridge produces a detailed pencil drawing of his ideal home: “I'd like a walled garden, with these little circular bits in each corner to keep my garden tools and implements. And look, this bit is two storeys. I'd like red brick with white trim. I think I could maybe get it built for half a million. What do you reckon?”
In Bath, the plot alone would cost about half a million.
“No! Look! All these bits here are single storey. And it's only one room deep”
Well it looks great, I say.
“I'll probably never do it. But it's a scheme I've thought about many a time.”