XTC Best Band Ever

XTC is the best band ever. Period.








Part 1:





Look,i'm a nerd,ask me more technical shit....I love it.





d t b@impliedreader Mar 27

@xtcfans can you still get the round-socket kettles for old WEM heads?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@impliedreader Awww,now i'm all nostalgic for my old Copicats, I had 2 types

アンディ:あ~、愛用していたCopicatのことが懐かしくなりました。 2種類持ってましたよ。




Patrick from Davis@PatrickFrmDavis Mar 27

Ha, okay. Besides room reverb, what reverb units do you like for recording?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@PatrickFrmDavis Don't monitor with reverb in cans,makes you sing sharp. I'm a big fan of Altiverb,and good quality spring on voices



Patrick from Davis@PatrickFrmDavis Mar 27

@xtcfans Okay, thanks for the insight, one more. What piece of vintage recording gear (Comps, Pres, EQ's, and so on) is your Favorite?

ファン:分かりました。ご意見ありがとうございます。もう一つ。古いレコーディングギアではどれが好きですか?(Comp, Pres、 EQなど)


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@PatrickFrmDavis Can only afford plug ins.If I had money to burn a Fairchild compressor/limiter would be nice.Otherwise,anything by Slate



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@PatrickFrmDavis You need the book RECORDING THE BEATLES then.

Fantastic tome for gear head

アンディ:RECORDING THE BEATLESを買うべきですよ。ギアオタクにとって素晴らしい研究書です


DD@Puckywuckums Mar 27

@xtcfans @PatrickFrmDavis I like the Waves PuigChild plug in.

ファン:僕は、Waves PuigChild plug inが気に入っています。


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@Puckywuckums @PatrickFrmDavis I think Stu has some,are you a Logic man?



Patrick from Davis@PatrickFrmDavis Mar 27

@xtcfans Ha, currently acquiring all kinds of stuff to make a stereo TG1 unit. Should have it done in, uh, 2-3 years... I do need that book.



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@PatrickFrmDavis You do,it's gear porn





ZEST OF YORE@zestofyore Mar 27

@xtcfans what are your favorite electric guitar strings? I have been experimenting with lots.....right now I dig NYXLs.



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@zestofyore Don't know them.We had a deal with ROTOSOUND but the buggers dropped us the second I quit touring.Strings all similar mostly



zEST OF YORE@zestofyore Mar 27

@xtcfans I get OCD with strings, feel and how hard they hit the pickups. NYXLs cost double, less harsh, last forever, highly recommend



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@zestofyore Will check.We ALWAYS used new strings for each song.YES used them each take !





Dominique Leone@dominiqueleone Mar 27

@xtcfans what's the hardest part about mixing?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@dominiqueleone Stereo width,as in believable stereo rooms.I tend to widen more these days.ALWAYS mix levels very quiet in mono,always.





leefer@leefer3 Mar 27


Not nerdy...but what was the record/album made ...you are most proud of.



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@leefer3 APPLE VENUS for quality of songs

アンディ:楽曲の質という意味でApple Venusですね。


leefer@leefer3 Mar 27


Cheers...have you a personal favourite. ..single wise

My favourite for what it is worth


こう言ってはなんですが、僕の好きなアルバムはこれ(Black Sea)です。


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@leefer3 I always thought our album cuts always better than our singles to be honest.





Colin Fletcher@beatlebug67 Mar 27

@xtcfans where do you stand on flanging?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@beatlebug67 About to write quite a long article on it.I LOVE it,3 machines type is best.Seriously love it.

アンディ: フランジングについて、ちょうど今かなり長い記事を書こうとしているところです。 大のお気に入り。3マシーンタイプが最高。大好き。




Brian Crosland@BrianCrosland Mar 27

@xtcfans Your favourite geetar. The Artist or the Tele?

ファン:好きなギターは?Ibanez Artists、それとも、Telecaster?


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@BrianCrosland SHhhh,the girls themselves may be listening.Artist for slink,Tele for chop.

アンディ:シーッ!女の子たちが聞いてるかも知れないから。セクシーなプレイでは、Ibanez Artists、チョップでは、Telecaster。




Ian Murray@imurray71 Mar 27

@xtcfans What are your favorite effect pedals?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@imurray71 I'm more of a "mess with it after' man these days.A little comp before amp is always good.Dirt is easier to sculpt later too.





rob james@pocketmoon Mar 27

@xtcfans Why does my label printer sounds like the start of "Playground" ?



TC@xtcfans Mar 27

@pocketmoon Is it an Ibanez label printer?



rob james@pocketmoon Mar 27

@xtcfans sadly it's a cheap Chinese knock off of an Ibanez label printer.



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@pocketmoon Sounds like my hands





Mugsie Rimmer@MugsieRimmer Mar 27

@xtcfans How did you get that lovely twang to Liarbird? Sounds like a lot of compression



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@MugsieRimmer Open E tuning,lot of comp,a little at a time,not all at once,and a little chorus.





the Nearlys@theNearlys Mar 27

@xtcfans Which songwriters do you admire and/or what song do you wish you'd written?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@theNearlys Easy,Ray Davies,Lennon/Macca,Bacharach /David.Wished I'd written AUTUMN ALMANAC the most

アンディ; それは簡単。レイ·デイヴィス、レノン/マッカ―トニー、バカラック/デヴィッド。AUTUMN ALMANACを書きたかったですね。




Guy Pitchford@guyjpitchford Mar 27

@xtcfans Ah yes, what was *that* sound effect on BBC Scissor Man? Real Bell? #BONNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGgggggggggggg

ファン:ああ、そうそう、 BBCライブでのシザーマンの*あの*サウンドエフェクトは何なんですか?本物の鐘?ボォォォォォォォ―――――――ン


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@guyjpitchford Probably the miniKorg 700S

アンディ: おそらくminiKorg 700S。




Cyntada@cyntada Mar 27

@xtcfans You rec'd some small speakers for checking mixes a few months ago - still recommend these, or have you new favorites?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@cyntada ALWAYS small spkrs,always in mono.Any make is pretty good.Most important is quiet and mono.





Mugsie Rimmer@MugsieRimmer Mar 27

@xtcfans And all the atmospheric noises on Train Running Low???

ファン:Train Running Lowのあの大気的ノイズって???


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@MugsieRimmer All were Linndrum with sounds wound down to lowest tuning,like steam FX





Al Ias@ExTeaSea Mar 27

@xtcfans Do you play with computer graphics software, like Illustrator & Photoshop? (Fun stuff!)

ファン:Illustratorとか、Photoshopのような、コンピューターグラフィックスソフトウェアで遊んだりしますか? (楽しいですよ! )


XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@ExTeaSea No,or I would NEVER leave the screen





mrclean@mrclean Mar 27

@xtcfans Do you enjoy programming drum machines or did others get on with them better? Linn your fav?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@mrclean Linn was great at the time.Now much more real ones.Drum programming a pain,real drummers much better+blended trigger samples



mrclean@mrclean Mar 27

@xtcfans I'm available. Give me a call :)



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@mrclean Thanks,will remember





mike marinetto@ethicalCARBS Mar 27

@xtcfans what has the better sound quality: magnetic analogue recordings or digital protools recordings?



XTC@xtcfans Mar 27

@ethicalCARBS Digital at the highest possible rate just wins it,but tape is SO flattering,boosts low and rolls off hi + compresses



~Part 2へ続く